Coffee Talks is an event organized by CYP, the single and young professional group of the BCBP (Stories are better over a good cup of coffee. This must be why coffee breaks at work are the best times to catch up with our colleagues. It’s also a time for some rest and relaxation. A coffee break is a slice of heaven for young professionals at work. Coffeetalks brings the same openness to young professionals seeking a deeper relationship with the Lord and meaning in their careers. It’s a time to listen to heartwarming stories and take home wise advice from esteemed professionals and fellow CYP members. Coffeetalks is a monthly gathering of single young professionals who are interested in deepening their faith and knowledge of God. It is a venue for young professionals to meet and interact with other likeminded individuals and to learn and be inspired by motivational and relevant talks that cater to their needs and concerns. Coffeetalks opens up a discussion for young professionals to have a more enlightened view of their careers in the Christian perspective.) Our First USA COFFEE TALKS - Sharer -Mark Katigbak -
CYP Singapore |